Wireready Incorporated

AlertReady - Electronic Newsroom, EAS Alerts & Wire Service Capture

Buy AlertReady

AlertReady is distributed electronically as a self-install set of files with read-me documentation. The product is designed to be installed easily.

Call WireReady at 800-833-4459 to order AlertReady. You can send a check by mail or prepay with a credit card and receive an additional 5% off your purchase.

Online Order Form

Order WireReady® software products 1 of 2 ways:

  1. Call now to speak to a salesperson - (800) 833-4459.
  2. Download the PDF order form
    Fill it out by tabbing through it on-screen, save & upload to www.wireready.com/send
    or email to sales@wireready.com

Pricing is as follows:
NON-PROFIT, GOVERNMENT, EDUCATIONAL (High School, College, University, etc.)
  • Single machine/feed license
    1 EAS Receiver/ 1 computer $395

  • Site License
    Multiple* EAS Receivers/ multiple computers $795

  • Single machine/feed license
    1 EAS Receiver/ 1 computer $395

  • Site License
    Multiple* EAS Receivers or multiple computers $795 *

Call for Group/Multi-site or foreign country unlimited distribution licenses.

*The Multiple EAS receiver/multiple computer license lets you capture multiple receivers on one computer, one or more services on multiple computers, or any combination there of. Multiple stream/machine license also means you don't need a parallel port or USB security key dongle to use the software. AlertReady can capture ANY generic RS-232 data stream, so if you want to use it to capture transmitter logs, or any other device output's serial stream, you can do so with the multiple stream/multiple machine license. * Please note: Includes capture for up to 8 service connections, each input or output adds $95/connection (input or output).

WireReady NSI  |  P.O. BOX 248 Lincoln, KS 67455 USA
Tel: 800-833-4459 or 785-524-4166

Copyright© 1991-2025 WireReady® Newswire Systems. WireReady® and SalesReady® are registered trademarks. NewsReady™, WebReady™, StormReady®, CallTaker32™, ControlReady™, QuickRecorder™, PodcastReady™, AlertReady™, AdCopyReady™, FTPReady™, AirCheckReady™, MPEGReady™ and PlayoutReady™ are trademarks of WireReady®. The information contained on this web site is for use by our vendors, clients and prospective customers. All other uses and/or reproductions are prohibited by applicable law.
Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11 and Windows Server Technologies are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp.