Recharge your reps with up-to-date business data. Manage and track a sales rep or team’s calling and success rate with one central database, accessible from any computer in the building or the cloud.
Don’t repeat the same wasted efforts over and over
Track which small businesses have affinity for certain events and opportunities on your station, and at what price points.

Supercharge your inside sales
Made specifically for broadcast telesales
We can provide a ready to use database
We sell annual new business updates
Stop having to share revenue with 3rd parties

Makes sales easier
Eliminates learning curve for newhires
Shows who to call for past sold events
Remembers whose said yes and no

Closes sales faster
Schedules call backs
Tracks expected, hoped-for and real sales
Tracks individual rep and event quotas

Sized to your operation
Single (stand-alone) version
Multi-user (LAN) version
Cloud version

Data Analysis
Show past sales per event
Show past sales per rep
Show who has been pitched or not

Makes Managing easier
Emails a daily call and sales report
Built in event calendar system

Like managing contacts on index cards but better
SalesReady was designed to turn a successful midwest small market’s inside sales department into a paperless operation. Six small markets grew their inside phone sold ads to over $2M/year in the 1990s with just a handfull of inside reps. Different businesses have different affinities to station sold events and different needs and SalesReady lets you reach small advertisers your outside sales executives are unwilling or unable to sit down with.
One of the reasons so many small market broadcasters who have unsold avails don’t offer them to tiny businesses is the labor and difficulty finding and retaining good sales people. Turnover is always high which is why databasing ever past call, every pitch, and the results achieved empowers every newhire the means to pick up and improve upon past efforts without repeating the same mistakes or wasted efforts year after year.
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Let's Work Together!
To see a demo or evaluate SalesReady give us a call or send us an email today.