
Capture, Create, Organize, Script, Air, Publish…

Simple newsroom software

Used by thousands of stations and professionals worldwide over the last thirty years. For a single user, multi-user newsrooms, NewsReady provides a built-in word processor that lets you embed audio clips and pictures for onair reads and for publishing up to your website without having to copy and paste everything thru a web browser. It works with popular audio recorder/editors, or you can use our built-in recorder. Also includes our Clip-It field recorder/clip generator for games and interviews.

Wire and RSS capture

Super simple capture engine lets you copy and paste or print stories from a wire service or your favorite RSS feeds

Simple Word Processing

Simple text editor lets you type, copy and paste stories into newscasts, embed audio files or pictures, calculate read/play time, spell check, and have multiple files open at once.   Automatically backs up as you type.

Play from Script as you Read

From the Filelog/archive you can open scripts you’ve made and fire the audio files off by clicking or hitting the F1, F2 or F3 “next play” buttons.  Also works with console remote buttons.

Simple Cart Deck Screens

Includes 3 deck, and 10 deck “old school” playback screens with instant replay buttons for operators who want a conventional playback paradigm.

Simple Archiving

Save stories and newscasts in simple chronological, searchable folders.   In windows these appear as non-proprietary TXT files, but in WireReady they show up and can be found as if they are in a database.

Integrated Web Publishing

Includes configurable HTML/XML/RSS export functionality.   Setup feeds or destinations and simple menus that let station staff shoot up content from WireReady (text, audio and pictures) straight up to WordPress and other website systems.

For simple needs

For stations with one to a few news writers, WireReady provides a very low cost and affordable way to go beyond just using separate apps to generate content for the radio station.   It takes almost no learning to master the app.  It puts the word processor, audio and story/newcast archives on any PC in the station you need, shares content thru a server (if needed) and saves time and labor costs by providing an efficient way for staff to create, organize , air and publish content.

WireReady does not require a server or SQL database engine, so it can be installed on any PC.  It can work on a standalone PC(s) and share files through any NAS or file server you already have.  It works with all windows sound devices and since it works with WAV and MP3 files, as is, no conversion or special steps are required to integrate what you read, and what you play on the same screen in your studios.

Create, Air & Publish

Word process your text, audio and pictures together, store and organize your news and audio and pics, air and publish your finished products.

Answers to Your Questions

Do I need a wire service to use NewsReady

No, while once upon a time all stations subscribed to electronic wire services, today most stations use NewsReady to do local news and sports, or capture RSS feeds.  

Does WireReady capture Associated Press

Yes, NewsReady is compatible with the Associated Press (AP) and works with their AP Media AP content download agent. If you have a contract, we can capture the wire service !

How do I record and edit audio

NewsReady is compatible with Cooledit, Cooledit Pro, Audacity, Protools, Adobe Audition, and other recorder/editors.   It will play 16 and 32 bit WAV files (uncompressed or compressed) as well as MP3 files.

How many stories and audio clips can I store

There is no limit to the number of stories, newscasts and audio clips you can save and organize with NewsReady.    Many customers have thousands, and tens of thousands of archived clips and text files.   Some of our customers have hundreds of thousands stored in the system.

Does NewsReady work with ControlReady

NewsReady is included with any computer you’ve licensed for ControlReady but can also be used as a stand-alone app.  Many stations who use other vendor automation systems also use NewsReady for their text/news delivery option.

Let's Work Together!

Call or email us for a demo or to try out NewsReady at no obligation in your station.