Clip-It Recorder

Generate, edit and play clips WITHOUT interrupting your recording !

Capture clips during live games, broadcasts and interviews

Ever wish you could generate clips of a news interview or sports broadcast WHILE it was still recording? The Clip-It Recorder is a pop-up application you can put anywhere on your desktop. During games and interviews, clip and air cuts without interrupting the recording. Configurable buttons. Instant playback buttons can auto-load the last clips you created.

Conventional waveform audio editors are great for production of commercials and full length shows, but make it next to impossible to take a clip out of a capture while it is still recording.  CLIP-IT now lets you use your favorite audio editor on a LIVE recorded interview or game or broadcast.

Work better and faster

Why wait for a recording to finish to generate clips from it?

Works with your favorite editor

Launch any length of the live recording into your audio editor window for trimming and saving WITHOUT stopping the recording

Save Clips for Playback

As you capture clips and edit them, CLIP-IT builds a stack playlist of them so you can fire them back quickly during your half time show or next newscast.

Save entire Sessions and reels

Save the original recording and all the clips you made in different folders for later re-use and archiving.  Make highlight reels by having CLIP-IT stack and combine multiple clips into a single audio file.

Fully Configurable

Configure the Clip Buttons to your preferred lengths, configure one or more launchable editors/players, configure sample rate, and save as WAV, MP3 or both.

Mark broadcasts for review

You can also mark heads and tails of areas of broadcast for later review or clipping including typed comments.

Record Multiple programs

You can run more than one instance of CLIP-IT on the same PC with multiple devices at the same time.

Let's Work Together!

Call or email us for a Demo or to evaluate the software in your station