This small 60K or so file is a loader program. When run (along with parameters provided in our documentation) - it looks for a loader.ini file which in this example tells it to go find WR32.EXE. It also keeps the original WR32.EXE on your server open at all times so you can upgrade/overwrite the program WITHOUT having to kick everyone on the network out of WireReady.
By default, most users have a shortcut which calls this program.
It checks the version of this file and then looks in a temp file on the C drive of the user workstation. If no copy of this file is there, it copies it. If there is already a file there, it compares the version and overwrites it if a newer version has been found on the source drive.
While this doesn't offer any benefit in a single user configuration, in multi-user configurations this serves two benefits. Running the EXE locally is much faster and more reliable as network disconnects won't keep the EXE from running the current function and/or handling the loss of connection gracefully. It also keeps the original WR32.EXE on your server open at all times so you can upgrade/overwrite the program WITHOUT having to kick everyone on the network out of WireReady.
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