Wireready Incorporated

AdcopyReady - Account Tracking, Contact Management & Ad Copy Databasing

AdCopyReady makes it easy for staff to save work into common "public" folders on your server

Do you have staff who lose or delete files accidentally and aren't "Windows savvy?" AdCopyReady to the rescue!

AdCopyReady lets you setup specific "places" that your staff is allowed to save ad copy so they can't get lost on the network or their own hard-drive. You can setup "Custom Folder" locations for the less computer included staffer. There are the ONLY locations they will be able to save in. Moreover, you can remove functions like DELETE so they can't delete stories.

AdCopyReady lets you empower advanced users with advanced navigation that lets them browse other folders not included in the Custom Folders.

Writing multiple versions of ad copy for the same clients over days, months years becomes easy with AdCopyReady. Let's say you want to name the ad copy with the client's name, spot name or number. Problem is - everytime you redo their copy, you have to create a new name, unless you overwrite the file on the network, right? Not with AdCopyReady. Our unique archiving button lets you use the same client name, spot name or number every time WITHOUT accidentally killing the earlier version. The FileLog can be sorted chronologically so when you sort for "Smith," every Smith ad you've ever written going back YEARS will show on the screen. In this fashion, you do not have to waste time creating unique file names every time you create a new spot for the same client.

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Tel: 800-833-4459 or 785-524-4166

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