Wireready Incorporated

ControlReady - Radio Reading Service, Library Books on Tape Digital Recording & Storage

What about MP3 and other MPEG files?

WireReady will let you use MP3 files and load and generate other compressed formats.

While we insist that audio files we record and play be natively stories and managed in our software as WAV files - this does not mean you can't throw MP3 files into our system - and it certainly doesn't mean we can't generate MP3 files for you automatically.

Even though we store/manage the audio as WAV files - we can accept MP3 files - virtually automatically. Our software can be trained to lok for MP3 files the minute you save them on the hard-drive and we automatically convert them to WAV in the backgroun putting standard headers and INFO chunks on them. This is part of our MpegReady, which is available for free to ControlReady users. MP3 file support is free with the LAME ACM - and if you need to support MPEG2 (*MP2) files, we are compatible with QDESIGN's MPEG2 ACM codec as well.

We can also generate MP3 files and other compressed formats if you need to send files to other parties as MP3. There is no need to have to open up the file in an editor and convert it manually, although you could if you wanted to. We also sell web publishing, podcasting and FTP systems, which are compatible with ControlReady and they all have facilities for autoconverting WAV files into MP3 or other commonly used web formats for those applications. One of the reasons we use WAV for basic storage is it makes it very easy for our other products and 3rd party products to take them into any other form you need no matter what your broadcast needs are.

If you use our FTPReady or WebReady or PodcastReady modules, anytime you use our software to send audio as email or anytime you've programmed us to automatically email, FTP or web publish (podcast) audio to places outside your station - our software can AUTOMATICALLY convert the WAV files back to MP# (or other compressed formats) ON THE FLY without any extra clicks of the mouse. This is built-in. While there are clear benefits to managing the hard-drive inventory as linear WAV files - we recognize that a good automation system needs the ability to receive MPEG or generate MPEG files without the operator getting involved in the process - and we think we do this better than anyone.

With WireReady, you can literally have us programmed to automatically send specific files to your web site and convert them to MP3 or other formats. When you email a file - by attaching the WAV file - our software can be setup to just know tha tis has to be autoconverted to MP3 if it's emailed.

While there is nothing stopping you from hand converting files - our automation system can be setup to watch one or more folder on your computer - so that literally saving an MP3 file in that location means that our software will just turn it to a WAV file the first time it sees it on the drive.

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WireReady NSI  |  P.O. BOX 248 Lincoln, KS 67455 USA
Tel: 800-833-4459 or 785-524-4166

Copyright© 1991-2025 WireReady® Newswire Systems. WireReady® and SalesReady® are registered trademarks. NewsReady™, WebReady™, StormReady®, CallTaker32™, ControlReady™, QuickRecorder™, PodcastReady™, AlertReady™, AdCopyReady™, FTPReady™, AirCheckReady™, MPEGReady™ and PlayoutReady™ are trademarks of WireReady®. The information contained on this web site is for use by our vendors, clients and prospective customers. All other uses and/or reproductions are prohibited by applicable law.
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