Wireready Incorporated

Technical Support - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Spellchecker is automatically correcting words that don't need to be corrected

Q: Help! My spellchecker is automatically correcting words that don't need to be corrected!

A: To stop the spellchecker from automatically correcting words that shouldn't be corrected, you'll need to change the setting for AutoCorrect.

You can edit the AutoCorrect settings in one of two ways:

1. From an open Notepad with some text in it, go to the "Edit" menu and choose "Spellcheck Entire Document" (alt + K). When it stops on an incorrect word, click on the "Options" button near the bottom of the spellcheck window. The very last option needs unchecked - "AutoCorrect (i.e. thier -> their)." Test to make sure the spellchecker stops on each and every detected error and gives you the options to choose how to handle that error.

2. Exit WireReady32. Open your user.ini (w:\wire\users\user\user.ini). Search the document for the word "spell" to find the "Spelling" section. The last line in this section is "AutoCorrect=Yes." Change that value to "No." Open WireReady32 again and test to make sure the spellchecker stops on each and every detected error and gives you the options to choose how to handle that error.

With either method outlined above, you are only changing the spellcheck settings for your own username. Other WireReady users may need to perform these steps as well to improve the newsroom's overall accuracy.


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