Wireready Incorporated

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How does WireReady work with streaming services

Here are providers we know our customers use often. We can work with just about any provider that has documented requirements for sending metadata and our software is configurable, and where it is not, we offer free patches to maintain compatibliity with any provider a customer encounters.

Liquid Compass
Tune Genie

It is our understanding that all the listed providers above offer players which show metadata that is sent from the automation system so artists/titles or advertiser's phone numbers can be displayed.

I attached a general overview document that explains
basic RDS setup in our INI file for our software.

In WireReady, you can configure which automation decks are enabled for RDS and the type(s) of output generated. And in addition to deck specific rules, whether or not we send metadata is based on the assigned category field of the audio so you can closely control what types of audio triggers displayed information on radios. We can simultaneously send web metadata separately from RDS encoder outputs on different ports when required. In addition to these, we also support Ibiquity HD Radio and are a licensed HD Radio development partner and also are compliant with SiriusXM output as well if a station ever needs to broadcast on SiriusXM as a partner channel.

Some of these providers have special plans for broadcasters that already pay their own royalties so be sure to look at those and not the public ones for joe-radio guy who wants his own radio station and has no royalty contracts in place (they are more expensive). We support sending metadata to all of the above via their supported methods. Some use RS-232, some us HTTP event triggering where we launch a hidden web page request to their server or hosted software they provide acting as one. Some we write a file to a folder and they pick it up. Some support all methods.

Most of them use the metadata we send to compile sound exchange reports you can download and use for sound exchange compliance reporting, but be sure to ask.

Actual stream devices/software
Once you have a stream provider, you have to get your IP stream to them. Single point to point is all that is required. Some provide the software/box to use some have you use any standard mp3 based streamer and it's up to you whether to use a standalone device like a Barix Instreamer or setup a PC with shareware/free encoding software.

Orban (actual encoder/streamer boxes)
Barix boxes
Windows media encoder
The Radio Experience (BE)


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