Wireready Incorporated

WebReady - Podcasting, RSS Feeds, Automated FTP & Single Click Web Publishing

With WebReady - smaller markets can do school closings without buying StormReady

For small markets who have 100 or less closings/delays in a typical storm to broadcast and list - the expense of the comprehensive StormReady system may be overkill. Stations that already have NewsReady AND who purchase WebReady can setup a Cancellation page and/or scrolling display on their web site for only a few hundred dollars or LESS.

For small markets with fewer than 100 typical callers per storm
One of the simplest uses of WebReady is to manage lists of stories in different pages or sections on your web site.   In this fashion, small stations can use their newsroom system to publish each closing or delay listing from the news system as follows:   

1. Open our Notepad, click Web (there is no story and the notepad is blank, but don't worry).
2. When the web window opens, just type the school name in the first box, and the listing info in the second.
3. Hit Publish, choose Cancellations. You're done.

WebReady thinks this is a list of stories, but the template we setup for you just shows the list of headlines in that scrolling list or
web page. In this case, your headlines are the school names, and the tease underneath it is the listing.     

Takes about 5 seconds to take a call and update your site
Our system automatically sorts the list alphabetically. Each submission is archived (like all your news) in your cancellation folder for archival purposes. Another choice in your web menu can say ERASE LISTINGS so you can clear the web site after the storm. If your station often has multi-day storms, you can also have a similar scroll list/separate web page for TOMORROW'S CLOSINGS so you have a way to take closings for tomorrow when you're still taking closings for today...

Larger Markets / Extra Features
If you are a small market, StormReady Lite may be all you need. For larger markets, for stations with much larger lists or for stations who want more sophisticated features, our StormReady and automated CallTaker system may be a much better solution despite the higher cost.

Electronic verification of identifies based on caller id
Secret pin/id code
More formal status choices

Advantages of StormReady Lite vs. StormReady and CallTaker
StormReady is a contact management database that holds all the contact info/address info for each record and pin/id codes provide security. Records automatically can disappear off the site during multi-day storms, since each closing can be assigned a specific kill time/date (default is midnight tonight), where as with the near free "lite" capability mentioned above, this is not supported as easily.   

For example, if you opt for the near free WebReady school closing feature mentioned below, you have to actually hit a button that kills the entire list after the storm. With StormReady, records drop off the list automatically. But if you only have a couple hundred dollars in your budget, we can give you this simpler web based school closing update system as part of your regular NewsReady and WebReady system's impressive list of features and capabilities for a very small onetime labor charge.

This page created by WebReady - Powered by WireReady NSI

WireReady NSI  |  P.O. BOX 248 Lincoln, KS 67455 USA
Tel: 800-833-4459 or 785-524-4166

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