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WireReady Requirements

All current WireReady products are Windows 7/10/11 compatible. Radio products are compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit editions of windows.

Note: Our legacy/discontinued TV video playout products are still ONLY approved for Windows 7 64-bit (Corvid based) Windows 7 32 bit (Stradis based).


Windows 10/11 Recommended requirements for radio systems (in general)



Top Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How do I handle Daylight Savings Time?
Adjusting Playlists for Daylight Savings Time (PDF)
2. Does WireReady Support Windows 10?
Hardware Requirements & Windows 10 Recommendations

Link to lists of new features listed by version number
URL ( for sending a file up to 2GB to WireReady Tech Support

We develop software for Microsoft Windows

WireReady®, Inc. | P.O. BOX 248 | 1701 N 165th Rd | Lincoln, KS 67455 USA
Tel: 800-833-4459 or 785-524-4166

The information contained on this web site is for use by our vendors, clients and prospective customers. All other uses and/or reproductions are prohibited by applicable law.

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