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WireReady Tech Support

Tech Support is available to customers who have paid Silver, Gold, or Platinum service contracts. When you contact us for technical support, please identify yourself with a customer serial number to assist us in helping you faster.

Call Us
The quickest way to receive technical support is to call and ask for Tech Support at 800 833 4459.

If you are an international customer or can't make 800 calls, you can call us at 785 524 4166.


Live Chat with us (beta)


Remote Connection Help

Once you are on the phone with WireReady Technical Support, if you would like us to access to your computer using TeamViewer software, click on one of the links below. If you already have TeamViewer, LogMeIn or other remote access software installed, you do not need to use the links below. Select one of the options below to install Teamviewer on your wireready equipped computer(s).


Option #1: If you only need WireReady Technical Support to access your computer once, choose the QuickSupport button below. Once the software is downloaded, we will attempt to connect, which will prompt your screen to allow access.

Download QuickSupport Download QuickSupport

When the support session is over and closed, WireReady Technical Support will no longer have access to your computer and this process will have to be repeated if remote access is needed again.

Option #2: If you would prefer your workstation is available for WireReady Technical Support to jump in upon request, choose the Remote Access button below to install the full version of TeamViewer. You will have the option of setting up a permanent password that gives us unattended access even when you are not physically at the workstation, or you can give us the temp password to allow access only when you are there and can supervise the remote access session.

Download Remote Access Download Remote Access


Top Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How do I handle Daylight Savings Time?
Adjusting Playlists for Daylight Savings Time (PDF)
2. Does WireReady Support Windows 10?
Hardware Requirements & Windows 10 Recommendations

Link to lists of new features listed by version number
URL ( for sending a file up to 2GB to WireReady Tech Support

We develop software for Microsoft Windows

WireReady®, Inc. | P.O. BOX 248 | 1701 N 165th Rd | Lincoln, KS 67455 USA
Tel: 800-833-4459 or 785-524-4166

The information contained on this web site is for use by our vendors, clients and prospective customers. All other uses and/or reproductions are prohibited by applicable law.

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Copyright© 1991-2025 WireReady®, Inc. WireReady® and SalesReady® are registered trademarks. NewsReady™, WebReady™, StormReady®, CallTaker32™, ControlReady™, QuickRecorder™, PodcastReady™, AlertReady™, AdCopyReady™, FTPReady™, AirCheckReady™, MPEGReady™ and PlayoutReady™ are trademarks of WireReady®.